Family Case Management
The Family Case Management (FCM) program at CYHS is in place to assist pregnant women and infants. Women who are pregnant or have a child under the age of one may be eligible.
Dedicated case managers of this program can help with:
- Parenting guidance
- Finding a doctor
- Referrals for housing, food and utility assistance
- Understanding child growth and development
- Understanding the importance of prenatal care and immunizations
FCM also oversees the HealthWorks of Illinois (HWIL) program and High–Risk Infant Follow-up Program (HRIF).
HWIL: HealthWorks of Illinois
HealthWorks of Illinois (HWIL) is a healthcare program for children in DCFS custody through 6 years of age. Staff communicated regularly with substitute caregiver and lead agencies. HWIL maintains medical records, ensures that each child has a primary care doctor and receives preventative health services.
HRIF: High Risk Infant Follow-up Program
The High–Risk Infant Follow-up (HRIF) program serves children born with special needs. Mothers and babies enrolled in this program receive at-home visits from a registered nurse until the child is two years old. These periodic visits are provided at no charge and will monitor the baby’s growth and development, teach infant care and make referrals to outside agencies if necessary.